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Women’s Voice in Julia Alvarez’s In the Time of Butterflies

1336-1342Full Text

Bahman Zarrinjooee* and Solmaz Panahi Vahdat

The purpose of this paper is to apply the theories of Luce Irigaray (1930- ) to Julia Alvarez’s (1950- ) In the Time of Butterflies (1995). Having focused on women’s speech, which puts emphasis on their independency and liberation, the main argument in this paper is to find such a point in Alvarez’s In the Time of Butterflies. This notion emanates from women’s body reminding them of the perfect time they had with their mothers in the imaginary order. Moreover, Irigaray argues that to seek such individuality women have to move beyond the maternal role defined by men through which they might be related to their daughters. In this way, women can in various ways resist against being defined by men such as demonstrating their refusal and rejection of patriarchal ‘norms’ through their hysteria. Consequently, it is possible to create an identity for women whereby they can have their own language, leading them to declare their resistance; thus, achieve their liberation. Through applying such notions to In the time of Butterflies, it has been demonstrated that although the women characters of the story are under the dominance of the patriarchal regime of Trujillo and his laws disseminated throughout the society, they resist such ideologies through education they acquire, the hysteric character they show of themselves, and the language they create from their body.

Performance Evaluation after the Implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Advisory System (OHSAS) in Zar Macaron Co Using the Balanced Scorecard Model

1342-1345Full Text

Hasan Forati, Amirhossein Amirkhani and Fariborz Shadbakht*

The purpose of this study, which is applied, is the performance assessment of Zar Macaron after the implementation of OHSAS based on the balanced scorecard model. For this purpose, after desk studies, a questionnaire was developed using the said certificate and related checklists based on the balanced scorecard model. Its validity was measured according to the expert comments and its reliability was measured using Cronbach's alpha (0.765). Then it was distributed among the target population (255 cases), among which 178 questionnaires were returned. The demographic characteristics of the target population were studied by descriptive statistics, and the binomial test was used to evaluate the OHSAS effectiveness in the company. The significant level of the test was considered less than 0.05. SPSS was used for statistical analysis. The results showed that more than 50% of the statistical population believes that the OHSAS implementation is effective on the performance, financial areas, internal processes and learning and growth. But it could not have a positive impact on the customer area. The Friedman test results showed that in the perspectives of respondents, the financial, customer, internal processes and learning and growth areas did not have equal priority.

Prüfer rank of G and relation with the Prüfer ranks of A1, A2,…, An

1346-1351Full Text

Behnam Razzaghmaneshi

A group G has finite Prüfer rank r=r(G) if every finitly generated subgroup of G can be generated by at most r elements, and r is the least positive integer with this properly. Clearly subgroups and homomorphic images of groups with finite Prüfer rank also have finite Prüfer rank. If the locally soluble group G=A1…An, with finite Prüfer rank is the product of n subgroups A1, A2,…, An, then the Prüfer rank of G is bounded by a function of the Prüfer ranks of A1, A2,…, An-1 and An.

Reviewing the position of environmental elements in content of high school first grade's curriculum

1352-1358Full Text

Hoda Aghasoleimany , Zahra sadat mehmandoust ghamsari* , Saeid Mazbohi and Mohamad Amini Shad

This study has been conducted to evaluate the content of first grade books in high school based on the environmental education elements in view of students and teachers. The current research methodology is of survey descriptive type and the statistical analysis is descriptive statistic and deductive statistic (independent t, mono-sample t). The statistical community in this study includes two groups: first group contains whole girl students (1500 people) and teachers (700 people) of first grade in high schools in Najafabad town, and the second group contains authors of first grade high school books and biology specialists. Statistical sample for this study has been 350 students and 250 teachers (165 male and 85 female) that have been selected by a cluster type sampling; and 5 authors and 5 biology specialists which have been selected on target. Results of this study are as follows: According to the results obtained, weather and population had the most frequency and relation of human and environment and human's role in protecting the environment have had the least frequency among elements of environmental education mentioned by interviewees. Considering teaching about environment in the content and principles of courses and in values and approaches of courses in first grade high school has been in a high level in students' views and in a low level in teachers' views. The amount of considering environmental education in activities and skills of courses in first grade high school has been in an average level in students' views and in low level in teachers' views. Generally, place of environmental elements in textbooks of first grade high school is not proper; in this respect the curriculum content requires a review.

Assessment of recreational value of Golestan Pardisan Forest Park Complex using a contingent valuation method (A case study in Golestan province, Gorgan)

1359-1366Full Text

H Badihbarzin, AR Sargazi*, H Jahantigh and M Ghavidel

Concern for the environment and nature is growing constantly. The preservation of these areas should be considered earth duty of all nations and countries. Because maintenance of the causes leading to the international of states correlation and guarantee sustainable development and Enjoyment of all human beings the healthier environment will be. Environmental ensure the life of the current generation and future generations are growing. This study determines recreational value of Golestan pardisan Forest Park complex in Golestan and estimate of individual willing to pay for using a recreational complex with the use of contingent valuation method. For survey of effect of explanatory variable on individual willingness to pay, we use logit model and parameter of this model with the use of maximum likelihood method are estimated requisite data with the use of follow-up questionnaire 132 visitors of partisan complex are collected. The results show which 95.45 percent of people like to pay entrance fees to partisan complex. Medium of willingness, these people are estimated 13000 rials. Also recreational value of this pardisan complex is estimated 5785000000 annually. The results show which forest parks have high recreational value that this point can help plan-makers, economic, social and executive managers for planning of conservation and sustainable exploitation of natural resources.

Survey of Constraints and Barriers of Administrative Contracts in Public Law

1367-1370Full Text

Gholamreza Arbabi* and Reza Fanazad

Administrative contracts are very much important in Iran under current settings .some people say it is bad to have too much interference in the private sphere in the era of privatization. The government should regulate the market being another argument. Leaving aside the literary arguments, legally Ethiopia has devoted one title in its civil code to specifically deal with administrative contracts. In addition to this, we have procurement proclamation to enable equitable, efficient and effective procurement. In this section, we will have something to say on Ethiopian administrative contract. Government contracts, including administrative and non-administrative, ceremonial functions, which form the subject of public law, but administrative contracts, in addition to the terms of the substantive rules of law are complied with. The content of these rules is that in addition to administrative contracts, a series of other specific rules are subject to interpretation and enforcement of these rules in relation to disputes arising from their contracts and legal proceedings have great importance. The findings suggest that restrictions on the types of public law contracts can be include restrictions in the choice of the contracting parties, restrictions in the shape (form) and limitations in contract term.

A comparison of propensity for marriage and emotional maturity between men and women

1371-1374Full Text

Mojtaba Noorani, Zhaleh Refahi* and Abass Gholtash

The aim of this study was to compare the propensity for marriage and emotional maturity between male and female students in marvdasht azad university. The research plan was descriptive – causal and the sample included 123-people. (80-men, 43 women) who were selected randomly with multistage cluster sampling method .Tools used in this study were Emotional Maturity scale (EMS) and Propensity for Marriage in Students (parsad). The data analysis based on inferential and descriptive statistics showed that there was no significant difference between the propensity for marriage and emotional maturity in men and women.

The Relationship of Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health on Nurses of Tamin Ejtemaee Hospital of Zahedan City

1375-1378Full Text

Fatemeh Kobra Sefatgol* and Kobra Lashkari pour

The recent research has been performed by purpose of studying the relationship of emotional intelligence and mental health on nurses of Tamin Ejtemaee of Zahedan city. Methodology is descriptive correlation and predictive. Population includes all nurses of Tamin Ejtemaee hospital of Zahedan city, their numbers is 150. Regarding restriction of population, all nurses has been selected as sample. Among 150 questionnaires, 123 questionnaires have been retuned that these numbers have been analyzed as the final sample of research. Measurement instrument includes: questionnaire of siber 8 shring`s emotional intelligence and Goldber Hiler`s mental health questionnaire, that validity coefficient is 0.88, 0.84 respectively by cronbach`s Alpha. Descriptive statistic methods are used to classify data and design table, also inferential statistic colmogrogh Smirnoff test, multiple person and Regression correlation coefficient have been used. According to the obtained result, There are positive and significant relationship between dimensions of emotional intelligence (self - consciousness, self - control, self - motivation, social skills and sympathy) and mental health and between emotional intelligence with mental health. Also according to the result of regression analysis, dimensions of emotional intelligence can determine 75 percent of mental health variance.

The relation between organizational health and strategic management

1379-1381Full Text

Jamileh Hadizadeh

Approach to the understanding of organizational dynamics and research efforts to improve considerable benefits. Organizational health impact will be possible in the strategic planning. Have you ever wondered why, some institutions tolerated political, economic and social oscillations and over come them, in contrast, some organizations have tasted the bitter taste of defeat. According to many experts a management science answer many of these questions must be sought in terms of the strategy and strategic management.

The effect of water stress and genotype on some characteristics of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

1382-1385Full Text

Mohammad Mahdi Raoofi, Hamid Reza Ganjali* and Ahmad Mehraban

The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) species is not very tolerant to severe water stress. About 60% of the yield loss is reported from drought, making it second only to disease as a grain yield reducer. Some management practices, like irrigation, can contribute to the increase of grain yield under water stress conditions, thus the development of tolerant cultivars becomes an efficient and economical production strategy. Water plays an important role in plant life. In many localities, it is the limiting factor for agricultural crops and hence increasing yield. Therefore for judicial use of water, attempts should be made to obtain maximum yield with minimum water supply. Under conditions of drought the free energy of water available to the plant is reduced well below that of pure free water. The osmotic adjustment as accumulation of solutes within the cell helps in maintaining turgor at decreasing water potentials. Plant water status controls the physiological processes and conditions which determine the quality and quantity of growth. The experiment was conducted at the research zahak (In Iran) which is situated between 25° North latitude and 37° East longitude and at an altitude of 85m above mean Sea Level.The field experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with split plot design with three replications. Analysis of variance showed that the effect of water stress and genotypr on all characteristics was significant.


1386-1391Full Text

Mohammad Reza Pourmir

Security has become a primary concern in order to provide protected communication between mobile nodes in a hostile environment. Unlike the wire line networks, the unique characteristics of mobile ad hoc networks pose a number of nontrivial challenges to security design, such as open peerto-peer network architecture, shared wireless medium, stringent resource constraints, and highly dynamic network topology. These challenges clearly make a case for building multifence security solutions that achieve both broad protection and desirable network performance. In this article we focus on the fundamental security problem of protecting the data transmitting between two nodes in a MANET that is from wormhole attacks and find the solution related to this problem. We also identify the security issues related to this problem, various protocols (SRP) used in securing MANETs and overview of ongoing research in securing MANETs.

The Analysis of Reading Strategies used by Extrovert and Introvert Intermediate Students in ilam Province, Iran

1392-1402Full Text

Yasin Nurianfar, Akbar Azizi Far* and Habib Gowhary

The ability to comprehend expository texts which make up the bulk of their foreign language reading materials is, therefore, very important for all of them. Nowadays, learning English has become a necessity all over the world. English is the most common language in the world. Two of the most examined dimensions of personality that have an affective influence on language learning are extroverted and introverted. In the current thesis the researcher first defines and looks at the different studies conducted to examine the relationship between the two factors and second language acquisition (SLA). Results show that extroverts seem to take full advantage of language-use opportunities as they tend to be sociable, more inclined to engage in conversations both inside and outside the classroom. However, results have also concluded that a more extroverted personality may be better suited to classroom learning, especially reading skills. With this intention the study was conducted on 60 sampled students from high school. After the instructions finished, the mean scores of the two groups on this posttest was computed and a two-way ANOVA was run to test the three hypotheses raise in this study. The results indicated that extroverts outperform introverts in reading comprehension and used more strategies.

The relationship between the social responsibility of club with products consumption and fans' trust of football premier league teams

1403-1406Full Text

Milad Karamoozian* and Seyed Ahmad Nejad Sajadi

The aim of this research is to study the relationship between social responsibility of club with products consumption and fans' trust of football premier league teams. The present research is of correlation type and has been performed as a field study. The statistical universe includes all fans of premier league teams in 2013- 2014. The statistical sample was selected among the fans attended sport stadia. Considering at least 9000 fans attended each play, the sample size according to Morgan Table was estimated 380 persons ( each team: 190) and available sampling method was used. To collect data, the social responsibility standard questionnaire (Stewart, 2003) with reliability coefficient (0/88) was used. In Iran, It was validated by Bakhshandeh (2012) and its content validity and construct had been approved by him. And so the questionnaires of fans' trust (Oswin and Kampitez, 2008) with reliability 0/76 and the usage of products (Kim,2008) with reliability 0/70 were used. To analyze data, addition to descriptive statistical indexes, the statistical methods of Spearman correlation coefficient, and Kolmogorov- Smirnov were used. The results showed that there was a significant and positive correlation between the aspects of club social responsibility and the usage of products (r=0/35, p=0/001). Also there was a significant and positive relationship between the aspects of social responsibility and fans' trust (r=0/33, p=0/001).

Women’s identity in Margaret Atwood's The Robber Bride

1407-1409Full Text

Effat Sarlak

The main argument in this paper is focused on the picture and role of women, as The Second problems. Atwood, as a feminist writer and thinker, tires to depict in her novels the cultural, social, and psychological conditions of women being deprived of their rights in every aspect by men, during her Tim. The subject of identity and self-recognition by feminine individuals is one of the main issues of feminist arguments and debates, particularly in the modern literature. Atwood uses these events to show the power of some women and their own individual strength and desires which they have in their past life. They are victimized or victimize others in the society, Moreover, some educated women do not accept oppression among men and women. They recognize the patriarchal hegemony of men over women and their influence in the society.

Every Subgroup is Locally Subnormal

1410-1412Full Text

Selami Ercan

There is no abstract!

Why and When Passive Voice

1413-1418Full Text

Parivash Moaddab

The question “When and why passive voice should be preferred or applied?” is the aim of this paper. Having investigated different texts and contexts, the categorization of different types of texts which necessitate the usage of Passive voice are introduced in the present paper. The difference in applying passive voice merely reflects the different natures of content, purpose, and audience. Furthermore, some associated information are presented as follow: The most common form of the passive in English is known as the short passive or agent less passive and the proportion of passive verbs varies with the type of prose may show far more passives than narrative prose. On one hand, the necessity of having a good reason for using a passive voice is referred to in the paper such as when the agent is obvious, unknown, or unnecessary, when the speaker/writer wants to emphasize a result and also when the agent is very general. On the other hand, the passive should be recognized as a quite decent and respectable structure of English grammar. Also some verbs and verb forms which cannot be used in passive voice are mentioned here. The fact found via the paper is that not only is the passive voice a significantly frequent option in modern prose, but it is also often the clearest and briefest way to convey information.

The Relationship Between Organizational Justice And Communication aversion

1419-1425Full Text

Ferast Taherian* and Fakhraddin Maroofi

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between organizational justice and escaping staff. In this study, organizational justice, distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice as the independent variable on the dependent variable that influences the relationship between shyness. To test their hypothesis, the researchers devised a closed questionnaire with 28 questions designed to Rate Likert and the International Statistical Society (a branch of the Keshavarzi Bank in the city of Sanandaj) were distributed to 130 employees. The method used in this study is a descriptive survey. To test the hypotheses, path analysis and AMOS software was used. Outcome variables were significantly positive effect on the reduction in appetite shows that procedural justice variables contributed most to the reduction in appetite.

Effect of linear and random non-linear Programming feed formulating on performance of broilers

1426-1429Full Text

Sharifeh Ghavidel Heydari

Linear programming is a useful and common method in feed formulating based on minimum cost. However, minimum cost does not mean maximum profit. The aim of this study was to provide a new method of feed formulating that consider the maximum profit instead of minimizing the cost of ration. Thus, 300 Ross 308 broilers were divided into five treatments with four replicates and 15 birds in each replicate. Experiment was carried out during starter, grower and finisher periods. Experimental dietary treatments in each period were including linear programming (LP50, LP69) and random non-linear programming diets (SP69, SP95, SP99 percent). Experimental data were subjected to analysis of variance based on completely randomized design and means were compared by Duncan,s multiple range test. The results showed that rations formulated with random non-linear program had significant effect on feed intake and feed conversion ratio. In addition, reduced abdominal fat and increased breast weight significantly.

Effect of linear and random non-linear programming on environmental pollution caused by broiler production

1430-1434Full Text

Sharifeh Ghavidel Heydari

Environmental pollution takes place from various sources, which domestic animal is one of them. Current main environmental concern about animal manure is phosphorus and nitrogen. Extensive poultry production system produces huge amount of manure that contains large quantities of phosphorus and nitrogen. With simple diet formulating based on minimizing the cost, irreversible damage to the environment will be entered. Although today’s diet formulating is based on economical and nutritional goals, environmental goals must be concerned as well. The aim of this study was to provide a novel method of diet formulating that supply poultry needs aswell as creating the least environmental pollution. Thus, 300 Ross 308 broilers were divided into five treatments with four replicates and 15 birds in each replicate. Experiment was carried out during starter, grower and finisher periods. Experimental dietary treatments in each period were including linear programming (LP50, LP69) and random non-linear programming diets (SP69, SP95, SP99 percent). Experimental data were subjected to analysis of variance based on completely randomized design and means were compared by Duncan’s multiple range test. The results of this Experiment revealed that diets formulated with random non-linear programming method had significant effect on phosphorus and nitrogen excretion by broiler. method of determining livestock nutrient requirement is very practical and comprehensible.

The effect of biological and chemical fertilizers on yield of Calendula officinalis in greenhouse conditions

1435-1438Full Text

D. Davary Panah* and F. Farah Vash

Calendula officinalis is one of the most important medicinal plants. To investigate the effects of biological and chemical fertilizers on yield of Calendula officinalis, a experiment was conducted on the basis of randomized complete blocks design in four replicates at Iranian of Islamic Azad University Branch Tabriz. The fertilizer treatments in three levels (Nitroxine, Urea, Nitroxine fertilizer + Urea fertilizers) and control or no fertilizers. The results showed that the effect of biological and chemical fertilizers was significant (P<0.01 and P<0.05) on all of parameters (plant height, stem diameter, essential oil, total fresh weight and total dry weight). The maximum plant height, stem diameter, essential oil, total fresh weight and total dry weight were obtained by Nitroxine fertilizer + Urea fertilizer treatment. The least parameters were observed by control treatment.